United School Nová Baňa

On 1 September 1974 Special school for the physically impaired was established in Nová Baňa in the complex altogether with Social Care Institution (present Social Care Home). The school provided a complex care to children with physical and mental impairment. Special Kindergarten became a part of the special school in 1981.

1986 – Apprentice School for the Physically Impaired Youth with the two coeducational study programmes – Agricultural Production with the focus on gardening – florist, market gardener, orchardman and Clothing Industry Production focused on linen tailoring was  established at Special School 

1993 – on the basis of the Ministry of Education determination the school was authorised for the implementation of a pilot project on verification of computer utilization in educational process of the mentally and physically impaired pupils. In the same year Special Pedagogy Consultancy was established, at present Special Pedagogy Advisory Center.

1997 – experimental verification of curriculum and syllabus of Practical School started. Due to successful completion of the experiment Practical School has become a part of Apprentice School for the Physically Impaired Youth since 2001.

2004 – Elementary School at Hospital and Health Center in Nová Baňa was attached to the Apprentice School for the Physically Impaired. The School Club of Special Elementary School for the Physically Impaired was established in the same year for commuter pupils and students who are not accommodated in Social Care Home.

In 2011/12 experimental verification of curriculum and syllabus of a three-year study programme an Auxiliary Job in Administration and Services started. The verification was completed successfully in 2016 and a new study programme was added to the list of the three-year study programmes of Apprentice schools in the Slovak Republic by the decision of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic.

Since 1 September 2012 the school has been acting as a legal entity named United School Nová Baňa. Since 15 May 2016 United School has changed the address of its seat. Education of pupils and students with mental, physical and multiple impairment is realized at the two places, in a new seat of the school in Školská Street in the town center of Nová Baňa where commuter pupils and students from inner and outer Nová Baňa are educated and at the allocated workplace, in the building of Social Care Home Hrabiny, education is provided for the pupils and students who are accommodated in the Social Care Home.

Parts of the school:                        

Allocated workplace, 3, Bernolákova Street, Nová Baňa as a part of United School

Allocated workplace, 393, Rekreačná Road, Nová Baňa as a part of United School      

Headteachers since 1974: Imrich Michalský, Marek Chrappa, Anna Šimkovičová, Ján Píš, Ladislav Sobotka, Anna Vozárová, Margita Štrbová and Karina Gažiová

In the school year 2016/2017 the school provides education to 117 pupils.
