
the first reading and Czech speaking aid

Author: Milan Hudeček, a Brno man who lives in Australia

Producer: Robotron, Melbourne, Australia

The year of production: 1994

Dimensions: 32 x 53 x 13 cm

RAM: 128 kB (131,072 characters), 30 text pages can be loaded into the memory

Donor: Jaroslav Michal Kacera, Levoča

Sunrise was very easy to run. A blind man put a printed version under the cover and pressed the start button. Sunrise converted text in about 10 seconds due to technically immaculate construction. It consisted of seven purposely bounded processors (little brains) that worked – thought about concurrently, analysed the printed text and conveyed it into speech with maximum accuracy and minimum time.

Sunrise was possible to be command guided, for example via a personal computer Eureka A4 or any IBM computer.