Hieronymus Lorm, tvorca dotykovej abecedy pre hluchoslepých.

Hieronymus Lorm, autor dotykovej abecedy

Hieronymus Lorm (*9. 8. 1821 Mikulov, okres Břeclav – † 3. 12. 1902 Brno), vlastným menom Heinrich Landesmann, autor Lormovej – dotykovej – abecedy pre hluchoslepých.  Pseudonym si zvolil podľa svätého Hieronyma, ktorý písal o osamelosti a zomrel ako pútnik, priezvisko podľa svojho obľúbeného hrdinu De L´orma od anglického románopisca G. P. Jamesa. Lorm bol rakúskym hluchoslepým…

Plagát podujatia Dva týždne zážitkov v múzeu.

The Museum of Special Education in Levoča will celebrate its “thirties”. It invites the general public to an experiential event.

It is modern, interactive, specialized, and up-to-date “in the productive age”. The Museum of Special Education in Levoča opened its doors on November 16, 1990. Thirty years since its founding will be remembered with a rich experiential program in September. It will last the whole two weeks. “On the occasion of our 30th anniversary, we…

Koláž fotiek z Múzea špeciálneho školstva.

Stories of extraordinary people destroy myths about handicaps. It is the museum without boredom also in the online space

They raised talent above disabilities. Beethoven composed the Ode to Joy despite hearing loss. Despite color blindness, Mark Zuckerberg designed perhaps the most well-known social network characterized by its blue color. The Museum of Special Education in Levoča has decided to inspire the audience in the current “handicapped” period. It happens by the stories of…