Pani Repaská s nevidiacim žiakom pri tabuli vyhmatávajú reliéfne tvary pečiva.

Both natives of Levoča.

She – special pedagogue, editor of children’s magazines, author of textbooks for the blind, wife, mother of 3 children (2 sons, a daughter), grandmother of 8 grandchildren, and 12 great-grandchildren.

Irena Repaská (* 1. 1. 1929 – † 16. 11. 2010) a native of Levoča. In 1948 she graduated from the State Teachers’ Academy in Levoča. In practice, she verified her pedagogical competence for the 1st – 5th year at school “stalls” in several cities – Snina, Lacková, Podolínec, Košice and, of course, in Levoča. These were national schools at that time.

He – an avid athlete, special pedagogue, gymnast, later deputy director for theoretical teaching.

Manželia Repaskí v prírode, rok 1971.
Rok 1977 - Jozef a Irena Repaskí s dcérou Evou, zaťom Milanom a najmladším synom Slavomírom.

She said “yes” to Jozef Repaský in 1950. Together, they survived a beautiful 60 years in marriage. We are going to present her husband, Jozef Repaský, his pedagogical and sports success in a separate medallion.

She joined the Primary School for the Blind in Levoča on September 1, 1959. Later, she expanded her teaching qualification by an additional post-secondary study of teaching in schools for young people requiring special care, specifically at the Faculty of Education at Trnava University in 1976. She used her pedagogical experience mainly in counseling parents of children with visual impairments, but also parents with disabilities.

Since 1971, she has focused primarily on the education and training of first-graders. She projected her theoretical knowledge into 12 textbooks and reviewed many other texts, curricula, and methodologies. She devoted herself intensively to the issue and creation of tactile teaching aids.

She worked on the editorial boards of school braille periodicals for 17 years. In 1986, she took over the management of the children’s magazine “Za svetlom” from Mária Virová for two years. She also managed the school library and was responsible for the school’s chronicle for 16 years.

Fotka žiakov 3.A triedy z roku 1955/96.
Fotka žiakov triedy. Pravdepodobne r. 1957, kedy p. Repaská vyučovala v národnej škole v Levoči.
Nevidiaci žiak počítajúci na počítadle. V pozadí ďalší žiaci s pani učiteľkou Repaskou. Rok 1986.

In 1987, she took over the title of Model Teacher. The reward was given to her for almost 30 years of intensive work in the education of visually impaired children.

We will remember Repasky´s couple with one happy story.

Jozef Repaský and his students, apprentices, went to the rink, which they prepared on their own in the courtyard of the primary school for the blind. Entire classes used to go skating regularly. J. Repaský constantly encouraged his students: “Move, do not stand!” His wife often watched the rushing boys from the school window. Sometimes she blamed her husband for that, that the children would become ill. Fortunately, nothing like that happened. Both often said, “children skated like snakes.”

And how does her youngest grandson Alex remember Grandma?

“I remember Grandma as a strong woman, primarily with a sense of family. She was able to enjoy the little things, the presence of people, and especially any family visit. She was very well aware of the importance of education, and she led us, the grandchildren, in this direction. I know from my parents’ stories that they will never forget the exceptional “punch” cake from her kitchen and creamy chanterelle mushroom sauce and toasted dumplings filled with sheep milk cheese.”

Rok 1994 - v pozadí najmladší syn Slavomír s manželkou Máriou
Manželia Repaskí s vnukom Slávkom, rok 1998.

And we, in the museum, reveal that a year ago we had no idea who was applying for a temporary job as a guide at our permanent, interactive exhibition. A slender, serious, and elegant, grammar school student entered the door. His language and communication skills determined the success of the selection process. It happened. Alex became our colleague for four months. He accompanied the visitors of the museum during last year’s tourist season and only after a few weeks, maybe even months, we found out his connection with his grandparents, who dedicated their whole lives to the education of the blind and partially sighted.

Pedagogický zbor - p. Vierka Ličková (na fotografii prvá stojaca vpravo) nám vymenovala všetkých pedagógov Základnej školy internátnej pre nevidiacich v Levoči (teraz Spojená škola internátna Levoča), ktorých objektív fotoaparátu zachytil v závere školského roka 1968/69. Horný rad zľava: Ján Dravecký, Ján Frkáň, Stanislav Škultéty, Mária Chovancová, Ján Ličko, Žofia Kišová, František Balog, Viera Gregoríková - Lesňáková, Štefan Šoltés (Krešo zo Šerveka), Viera Sadloňová (Ličková), Jozef Holubkovič. Spodný rad zľava: Irena Repaská, Mária Virová, Jozef Kišš, Juraj Mráz, Mária Valentová, Alžbeta Košiarová.

Prepared by: Štefánia Petreková


Sources: – archive of the Museum of Special Education in Levoča

– Priezor magazine no. 2/1996, year XXVI. with. 21-29,

– Nový život magazine, January-March 1986, p. 24-26,

– publication Significant special pedagogues from Levoča, 2001, p. 25-26, ISBN 80-7098-266-7

– photo: family album of the Repasky family.